Extensis suitcase fusion 7 mac okay with cs6
Extensis suitcase fusion 7 mac okay with cs6

If we are to believe you that there is a 'huge risk' running CS6 then you must run the same 'huge risk' running CC2017. There is also NO quantifiable risk in using CS6. The point is not that CS6 is not supported any longer - we all know and accept that. I'm sorry Willi but you are wrong and you are still missing the point. So you could legitimately say, if you are using Indesign CC be prepared - anything else could break at any time. I use both every day and CS6 certainly gives me a lot less grief than CC2017 does. Sort out your fonts and you will likely find that CS6 runs beautifully in Sierra. I've mentioned a couple of times that the fontd process/issues is closely related to duplicate fonts. There are no showstopper bugs in Indesign CC at the moment, but there are plenty of annoying ones! Unlike CC2017, no new bugs are being introduced so it is much easier to troubleshoot. Running CS6 is quite feasible on Sierra if you're prepared to do a bit of troubleshooting and testing. Steve, have a read of the forums some time and you will find that there are a huge number of people experiencing problems with Indesign CC2017. I can speak from personal experience that, apart from these forums, you're just as much on your own if you have problems with CC Indesign.


You're far more likely to have a major problem with CC2017 when they introduce a new feature than with established software like CS6. The risk is largely an imaginary one anyway and there's no way it could be described as a big risk. I can understand why some people think that running CS6 for business is a risk, but if you're prepared to take that supposed 'risk' then being told that the solution to every problem is to change your OS or software is not useful or helpful at all. He is correct about CS6 not being officially supported under Sierra, but that is not what was being asked. Willi's answer is not the solution to the poster's problem, so it is NOT correct.

Extensis suitcase fusion 7 mac okay with cs6